Forms Required for Whitman High School Athletes
ALL Walt Whitman HS athletes must complete relevant sections of
Forms 1-3 below to play any sport at Whitman High School
with physicians completing form #1.
Items # 4-6 consist of forms connected with mandatory concussion testing.
All athletes must undergo mandatory concussion testing, a service which shall be administered by Montgomery County at Whitman High School.
Forms 1-3 below to play any sport at Whitman High School
with physicians completing form #1.
Items # 4-6 consist of forms connected with mandatory concussion testing.
All athletes must undergo mandatory concussion testing, a service which shall be administered by Montgomery County at Whitman High School.
Football players also must complete Form # 7
(and parents should read the associated notice from MCPS).
(and parents should read the associated notice from MCPS).
1. Participation Physical Evaluation Form SR-8
(Student and Parent/Guardian fill out and sign pg 1 and 2,
Physicians will fill out and sign page 3 and 4).
(Student and Parent/Guardian fill out and sign pg 1 and 2,
Physicians will fill out and sign page 3 and 4).
2. Student-Parent Athletic Participation Information
(contract signed by student & parent / guardian)
(contract signed by student & parent / guardian)
4 - 6. Concussion forms (signed by athletes and parent / guardians):
forms to be handed to coaches.
Testing to be administered at Whitman
check with coaches or Athletic Department for testing times.
forms to be handed to coaches.
Testing to be administered at Whitman
check with coaches or Athletic Department for testing times.
Form # 7 Insurance - for football players only.
PARENTS - please read this notice from Montgomery County Public Schools.
PARENTS - please read this notice from Montgomery County Public Schools.
MCPS Activity Fee (annual fee for extracurricular activities)
MCPS ECA Fee - Online payment option- for more information go to: Paying ECA Fees Online
Parents can pay student ECA fees online by credit card using Montgomery County Public School's Financial Management System (FMS). The ECA fee, otherwise known as the activity fee, supports adult-supervised, extracurricular activities, such as sports and clubs, for middle and high school students. Students who pay the fee are entitled to participate in one or more programs during the year.
MCPS ECA Fee - Online payment option- for more information go to: Paying ECA Fees Online
Parents can pay student ECA fees online by credit card using Montgomery County Public School's Financial Management System (FMS). The ECA fee, otherwise known as the activity fee, supports adult-supervised, extracurricular activities, such as sports and clubs, for middle and high school students. Students who pay the fee are entitled to participate in one or more programs during the year.